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logoPrice Bitcoin (BTC)
€ 59 521
increasing+4.1 %






1.000 BTC =

€ 59 521


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Information on the price

Price variation (24h)

increasing+4.1 %

All-time high

€ 67 405

Trading volume (24h)

€ 41 694 731 751

Price variation (7d)

increasing+3.5 %

All-time low

€ 0

Diluted valuation

€ 1 247 227 153 486

Price variation (30d)

increasing+10.3 %

Circulating supply

19 767 459 BTC

Total supply

21 000 000 BTC

Price variation (200d)

decreasing-9.2 %

Market capitalization

€ 1 174 024 362 868

Max supply

21000000 BTC

purple star

Trading opportunity

Suggested entry price

Suggested entry price BTC


Recommendation BTC


What is Bitcoin ?

The Bitcoin is a cryptocurrency created in 2009 by Satoshi Nakamoto. At over a trillion dollars, Bitcoin is the crypto with the highest market capitalization. The world’s second-largest crypto,Ethereum, is a distant second at $360 billion. BTC’s capitalization alone represents over 50% of that of the crypto market as a whole. BTC is a crypto specialized in peer-to-peer payments. Ethereum, on the other hand, is positioned more in the decentralized finance (DeFi) and web3 sectors. With its blockchain, BTC offers a decentralized alternative to fiat currencies. Bitcoin’s decentralized operation means that the value of BTC is unaffected by the decisions of central banks. With a limited supply of 21 million BTC, Bitcoin is a store of value. It is often referred to as digital gold.

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ANGLAIS Lancé en 2009 sur le marché, le Bitcoin a longtemps possédé un cours très faible. Une anecdote désormais historique veut qu’en 2010, un mineur BTC a acheté deux pizzas avec… 10 000 bitcoins !


Première hausse importante, le Bitcoin va voir son cours dépasser la barre des 10 €, puis celle des 200 € en avril ! Le 30 novembre 2013, le prix du BTC va même atteindre les 800 €.


Après une baisse en 2014 et 2015, le cours du Bitcoin entame une phase de hausse importante en 2016, surtout au deuxième semestre (peu après le résultat du vote qui conduira au Brexit).


Le cours du Bitcoin surfe sur sa dynamique de 2016 et établit un nouveau record avec 950 € le 1er janvier 2017. Le premier bull run de l’histoire du Bitcoin se produit et va catapulter le cours du Bitcoin au-dessus des 3 000 € en août, des 6 000 € en novembre et des 10 000 € en décembre. Le 17 décembre, le prix du BTC est de 16 450 € ! La légende du Bitcoin est en marche !


Après le bull run de 2016 et 2017, le cours du BTC chute fortement en 2018 et redescend autour de 3 500 € en fin d’année.


L’année 2020 est historique pour le Bitcoin. Quelques semaines après le début de la crise de la COVID, le cours du Bitcoin va entamer une longue phase de progression. En réalité à cette période, la panique liée à la découverte de la pandémie mondiale a fait que tous les actifs financiers ont été massivement vendus, les investisseurs cherchant à protéger leur portefeuille crypto. Autour de 4 000 € en mars 2020, le prix du BTC finira l’année à 23 500 € environ, marquant le début d’un nouveau bull run.


Le cours du Bitcoin va poursuivre sa dynamique de 2020 et atteindre un record avec un prix de 56 650 € en novembre 2021.


After a bear market in 2022, the Bitcoin price resumes its upward march in 2024.
On March 14, 2024, a new Bitcoin ATH is reached, with a price of €68,573.
It was also in 2024 that Bitcoin’s 4th halving occurred.

La loi de l’offre et de la demande

Avec sa blockchain, le Bitcoin est un réseau décentralisé. Le nombre maximum de coins en circulation est limité (21 millions). La loi de l’offre et de la demande est l’un des paramètres principaux qui régit le cours du Bitcoin. Contrairement à une monnaie fiduciaire, l’émission de bitcoins n’est pas gérée par une autorité centrale. La technique de la “planche à billets” qui affecte la valeur de la monnaie fiat n’existe pas sur le Bitcoin ! Le principal mécanisme du cours du Bitcoin porte sur l’équilibre entre les vendeurs et les acheteurs. Avec une offre fixée à 21 millions de BTC, si la demande des investisseurs augmente, le prix du BTC augmente mécaniquement.

L’adoption du marché crypto

L’augmentation du cours du Bitcoin passe par l’adoption généralisée des crypto monnaies. Longtemps dans l’ombre, les cryptos bénéficient désormais d’une cote inégalée de popularité et de crédibilité. De plus en plus d’investisseurs entrevoient le potentiel spéculatif des cryptos et du Bitcoin, mais aussi leur rôle en tant que réserve de valeur. Des acteurs de premier plan de la finance traditionnelle comme BlackRock ont même franchi le pas et proposent désormais des ETF Bitcoin spot.

Les facteurs macroéconomiques

Bitcoin’s price is sensitive to economic and geopolitical conditions.
In fact, Bitcoin’s dynamics are sometimes uncorrelated with those of conventional financial markets.
For example, the BTC price began a bull run shortly after the start of the COVID crisis in 2020.
A period of high inflation reinforces Bitcoin’s appeal as a store of value and actually boosts its price.

Les facteurs macroéconomiques

Bitcoin’s price is sensitive to economic and geopolitical conditions. In fact, Bitcoin’s dynamics are sometimes uncorrelated with those of conventional financial markets. For example, the BTC price began a bull run shortly after the start of the COVID crisis in 2020. A period of high inflation reinforces Bitcoin’s appeal as a store of value, and instead boosts its price. Legal and tax regulations Long-awaited, the first regulations are about to arrive. They will provide a framework for the crypto market and further protect investors. The introduction of these regulations is a positive step that can only enhance the credibility of crypto and therefore boost the Bitcoin price. Comparison with other assets The Bitcoin price is characterized by extremely high volatility compared with that of equities or gold. For example, between May 2023 and May 2024, the Bitcoin price rose by +123%, while gold rose by just 14% and Tesla shares (for example) by 3.5%. Bitcoin’s volatility is higher than that of many other cryptos too. Over the same period, the price of Ethereum (the world’s second-largest crypto) rose by just 61%. Another important difference between Bitcoin and equities is its role as a store of value. Like gold, Bitcoin does not see its value depreciate over time. It is therefore considered a safe-haven asset, all the more so when macroeconomic conditions are not good.

Bitcoin price: price projection

Bitcoin continues to attract a great deal of interest as a pioneering cryptocurrency, with many prospects for its future.
While its price may be subject to short-term fluctuations, many experts believe that its growing adoption by both individuals and financial institutions will continue to drive its value higher over the long term.
Some analysts predict that Bitcoin could reach new heights, surpassing its previous records, and even crossing thresholds such as $100,000 or more within the next few years, perhaps as early as 2024.
Technological improvements such as the Lightning Network and regulatory developments could also help strengthen its position as a digital store of value and an efficient means of transferring wealth across borders.
However, investors should always be aware of the risks inherent in this volatile market and engage in due diligence before making investment decisions.

Who are the founders of Bitcoin

Bitcoin, the world’s first decentralized cryptocurrency, was invented by a person or group of people under the pseudonym Satoshi Nakamoto. Satoshi’s real identity remains a mystery to this day. In 2008, Nakamoto published the Bitcoin white paper, outlining a peer-to-peer electronic money system that eliminates the need for any central authority. The Bitcoin network went online in January 2009 with the creation of the first block of the chain, known as the genesis block. Satoshi continued to work on the project with other developers until 2010, when he disappeared from the scene, leaving behind a legacy that transformed the concept of money and inspired the creation of thousands of other cryptocurrencies.

Who are the investors of Bitcoin

À ses débuts, Bitcoin a principalement attiré un groupe de technophiles, de libertariens, et de chercheurs fascinés par l’idée d’une monnaie décentralisée et sans frontières. Les premiers investisseurs étaient souvent des membres de forums en ligne comme Bitcointalk, où Satoshi Nakamoto lui-même partageait des idées et des mises à jour sur le développement de Bitcoin. Ces pionniers, principalement des programmeurs et des cryptographes, ont été les premiers à miner et à trader Bitcoin, et beaucoup ont accumulé des quantités considérables lorsqu’il ne valait encore que quelques cents. L’esprit de communauté et une croyance partagée dans le potentiel disruptif de Bitcoin ont motivé ces premiers utilisateurs à soutenir le projet durant ses premières années critiques.

Why invest in Bitcoin

Réseau décentralisé, nombre limité de coins BTC en circulation, réserve de valeur, forte volatilité… Le Bitcoin est un investissement à fort potentiel. Même si son cours a plusieurs fois explosé dans le passé, son potentiel de croissance reste intact. Bitcoin a démontré un potentiel de croissance exponentielle, ayant enregistré des rendements impressionnants depuis sa création. Enfin, l’adoption croissante de Bitcoin par des entreprises, des banques, et même certains gouvernements augmente sa légitimité et pourrait continuer à pousser sa valeur à la hausse à long terme. Investir dans Bitcoin, cependant, comporte des risques liés à sa volatilité et à son jeune marché, nécessitant une évaluation prudente et une stratégie d’investissement adaptée.

€ 59 521




Frequently Asked Questions

Your questions Bitcoin

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What is Bitcoin (BTC)?

Bitcoin is a decentralized cryptocurrency that enables transactions to be carried out without intermediaries.
It is based on a technology called blockchain, which guarantees the security and transparency of exchanges.

How many Bitcoins are there?

There are currently 19,695,550 BTC in circulation.
The maximum number of bitcoins is capped at 21 million, making it a limited resource.

What influences the Bitcoin price?

Bitcoin’s price fluctuates according to several factors: the law of supply and demand, macroeconomic conditions, regulations, as well as the growing adoption of cryptocurrencies around the world.

Why is the Bitcoin price so volatile?

The price of Bitcoin depends mainly on the balance between buyers and sellers.
Economic events, the decisions of regulators and the behavior of investors can cause sharp fluctuations.

What's the difference between the purchase and sale price of Bitcoin?

The buying and selling prices of Bitcoin are defined by the market.
A positive difference between buying and selling represents a financial gain.

Where can I check Bitcoin prices in real time?

To access the Bitcoin price chart in real time, you can visit a crypto platform like Coinhouse, which provides constantly updated data.

What's the difference between the purchase and sale price of Bitcoin?

The buying and selling prices of Bitcoin are defined by the market.
The difference between these two prices, known as the “spread”, can vary according to supply and demand.
A financial gain is realized when a Bitcoin is sold at a higher price than when it was bought.

How can I invest safely in Bitcoin?

To buy Bitcoin safely, we recommend using a regulated broker such as Coinhouse, which guarantees secure transactions and the protection of your digital assets.

Is it possible to buy Bitcoin directly in euros?

Yes, on Coinhouse you can buy Bitcoin directly in euros, using payment methods such as credit card or SEPA transfer.

How much does it cost to buy Bitcoin on Coinhouse?

Bitcoin purchase fees at Coinhouse vary according to payment method and transaction amount.
You can view the fees before finalizing your purchase for complete transparency.

How do I store my Bitcoin after purchase?

Once you’ve purchased Bitcoin, you can store it in a crypto wallet.
Coinhouse offers a secure wallet service, but you can also choose to transfer your Bitcoins to a personal wallet for greater control.

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Investing in crypto-assets carries risks of liquidity, volatility, and partial or total capital loss. Crypto-assets held are not covered by deposit and securities guarantee mechanisms.


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designed by Alasta


Coinhouse SAS with a capital of €210,000, RCS Paris 815 254 545, headquarters: 14 Avenue de l'Opéra 75001 Paris – support@coinhouse.com. Registered with the AMF for activities related to the purchase/sale of digital assets against legal tender, the exchange of digital assets for other digital assets, and the custody of digital assets for third parties under the registration number: E2020-001.

Coinhouse payment solutions

Company registered with the Paris RCS under the number 914 384 557, registered with the Prudential Control and Resolution Authority as a payment service agent under the number 727503 of the electronic money institution Treezor, headquartered at 33 Avenue de Wagram, 75017 Paris.
