10 years of crypto, we sum it up for you.
Investing in crypto-assets carries risks of liquidity, volatility, and partial or total capital loss. Crypto-assets held are not covered by deposit and securities guarantee mechanisms.
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Our accounts
2024 - all right reserved - coinhouse
Coinhouse SAS with a capital of €210,000, RCS Paris 815 254 545, headquarters: 14 Avenue de l'Opéra 75001 Paris – support@coinhouse.com. Registered with the AMF for activities related to the purchase/sale of digital assets against legal tender, the exchange of digital assets for other digital assets, and the custody of digital assets for third parties under the registration number: E2020-001.
Coinhouse payment solutions
Company registered with the Paris RCS under the number 914 384 557, registered with the Prudential Control and Resolution Authority as a payment service agent under the number 727503 of the electronic money institution Treezor, headquartered at 33 Avenue de Wagram, 75017 Paris.
General conditions, disclaimers and legal documents.
10 years of crypto, we sum it up for you.
We won't abandon you in the jungle of crypto-assets.
Since 2014, we work with blockchain. We develop crypto products and services for individuals and businesses, taking into account all the ins and outs of taxation, accounting and regulation.
We select the most promising and popular cryptos on the market from among the 23,000 existing projects.
The Maison du Bitcoin was founded by Eric Larchevêque.
The Coinhouse adventure began in 2014. Founded in particular by Eric Larchevêque and Thomas France, it was initially known as "La Maison du Bitcoin". The concept is to offer a physical space in the heart of Paris that brings together the French community passionate about blockchain and cryptoactives to share and exchange around these subjects. It quickly became possible to buy and sell cryptocurrencies directly on-site. An online platform was also launched, initially offering the buying and selling of Bitcoin and Ethereum.
Our DNA was born.
In 2018, La Maison du Bitcoin becomes independent from Ledger. A new team led by Nicolas Louvet implements a development strategy emphasizing fast, simple online services and a service-based rather than purely transactional approach. La Maison du Bitcoin then becomes Coinhouse. At the end of 2018, our sister company Coinhouse Custody Services (CCS) is created, to offer a secure cryptocurrency custody service for both Coinhouse and CCS customers. Coinhouse establishes itself as a broker: more expert than neo-banks, more present than exchanges. 2018 also sees the launch of our Premium offers, a dedicated service for key accounts already interested in Bitcoin.
On the path to regulation.
We believe that for crypto to develop, it must be regulated. That's why, starting in 2019, we're participating in the drafting of the PACTE law; then will come the founding of ADAN, the Association de Défense des Actifs Numériques, aimed at defending the interests of blockchain investors and companies in France. Finally, in 2020, Coinhouse became the first crypto company to obtain PSAN (Prestataire de Services sur Actifs Numériques) status from the AMF. The second will be Coinhouse Custody Services, our sister company specializing in asset custody. It would be 6 months before the other players caught up with Coinhouse and obtained registration.
Give everyone the means to manage their money freely.
The origins of crypto lie in a dream: to give everyone access to investment and sovereignty over their money. At Coinhouse, we firmly believe that investing should be within everyone's reach, regardless of their wealth, knowledge, or understanding of the crypto market. That's why we're building a platform for you every day, to give you the means to manage your money freely.
We should no longer be afraid to invest in cryptoassets.
Cryptoassets aren't the future, they're already the present.
Crypto can only develop if it is regulated..
La Finance traditionnelle rencontre la crypto
In 2021, Coinhouse will be stepping up its development and targeting a European customer base. Now 100% online, its platform offers an intuitive interface and simple, innovative services to enable even the most novice to invest in the innovative cryptoasset sector. Our team is moving upmarket by welcoming traditional finance specialists to its fundamental research and support teams. Last but not least, we have developed a range of services for businesses, which have been very well received.
Démocratiser la crypto
In 2023, Coinhouse aims to expand its audience and offer its services to individuals, with one mission: to democratize crypto. Gestion Pilotée, a discretionary management offering, will be launched in 2022. This will be followed in 2023 by staking, a pure blockchain product for generating daily rewards from cryptos. Finally, it's the launch of the Compte Euro, the first entirely personal French bank account dedicated to investing in crypto. At the end of 2023, Coinhouse is updating its price list, drastically lowering its fees, particularly purchase and exchange fees, to enable newcomers to crypto to choose a French provider, without worrying about fees.
Le juste niveau d’accompagnement
In 2024, Coinhouse is launching 4 new offers to provide the right level of support for everyone. In addition to its free accounts, Coinhouse now offers two packages for individuals and two for professionals. For retail investors, the Investor Offer is the first all-in-one package combining 0% fees, a staking rewards boost, and regular content to get to grips with the crypto market. Investment Opportunities are born, suggestions for entry and exit points to accompany investors into trading. The Private Banking offering includes all the elements of the Investor offering, plus a dedicated advisor to support key accounts in their investment strategies. On the professional side, both offers come with dedicated business benefits, such as appointments with a tax expert, an investment report, and a euro account included. In June, the company celebrates its 10th anniversary with the entire crypto sector.
At Coinhouse, we want everyone to share in the benefits of the crypto-revolution.
Nicolas Louvet, CEO
Since 2018, we specialize in the right level of support, from guided autonomy to a private advisor.