Looking for ways to earn extra income? To do this, you need to learn how to invest your money! This involves using a certain sum to buy an investment product over a given period. But how do you invest your money? If you follow finance news at all, then you’ve probably already heard of the principle of “not putting all your eggs in one basket”! In practical terms, this means it’s important to diversify your investments.
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Like any investment, investing in cryptoassets should be the result of careful thought and consideration of the various opportunities. A saying that often comes up in the crypto world, DYOR for “Do Your Own Research”.
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The crypto-currency market, or crypto-assets, abounds with opportunities to generate higher returns than those provided by traditional financial markets. But this ecosystem has its peculiarities: high volatility, numerous and not always serious projects, and fundamentals that are complex to grasp. We therefore feel it’s important to explain how you can build up a coherent, balanced […]
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Since 1949, numerous studies have been carried out on the performance of DCA.
All agree on one thing: in terms of probabilities, using this strategy would improve the performance of any investment.
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